admin 0 Comments Other Job Openings Grille Room Wait staff/Bar staff Bar Cashier Dishwasher Gift Shop Cashier Bussers Cocktail Servers NY State Lottery Attendant Guest Services Desk Job Category: General Job Type: Full Time Part Time Job Location: Villa Roma NY Referral Source *First Name *Middle NameLast Name *Email *Home Phone *Cell PhoneAddress *City *State *Zip *Applied before?YesNoIf yes, Month & YearPosition Desired *Legal age to work?YesNoFull-time availability?YesNoWilling to work overtime?YesNoLegal eligibility to work?YesNoStart DateLawful employment restriction?YesNoConvicted of felony/misdemeanor?YesNoIf yes, Describe:Special Skills/TrainingEducationHigh SchoolSchool NameSchool AddressCourse of StudyYears AttendedGraduated?YesNoDegree/DiplomaBusiness or Trade SchoolSchool NameSchool AddressCourse of StudyYears AttendedGraduated?YesNoDegree/DiplomaCollegeSchool NameSchool AddressCourse of StudyYears AttendedGraduated?YesNoDegree/DiplomaWork HistoryPlease post most recent employment first.Company NameCompany PhoneCompany AddressJob Start DateJob End DateSupervisor NameJob TitleJob DescriptionReason for LeavingSecond Recent JobCompany NameCompany PhoneCompany AddressJob Start DateJob End DateSupervisor NameJob TitleJob DescriptionReason for LeavingThird Recent JobCompany NameCompany PhoneCompany AddressJob Start DateJob End DateSupervisor NameJob TitleJob DescriptionReason for LeavingReferencesName1Address1Phone1Name2Address2Phone2Name3Address3Phone3I certify that the facts contained in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and understand that if employed, falsified statements on this application shall be grounds for immediate dismissal. I authorize investigation of all statements contained herein and the references listed above to give you any and all information concerning my previous employment and any pertinent information they may have, personal or otherwise, and release all parties from liability for any damage that may result from furnishing you. I understand and agree that, if hired, my employment is of no definite period and may regardless of the date of payment of my wages and salary, be terminated at any time for any reason not in contravention of the law without prior notice.I Certify The Above Statements are True. Submit Share: Previous Post Newer Post